TOTAL E&P INDONESIE Scholarship for ITB Profesional Master in Petroleum Engineering – 2010

Total E&P Indonesie will grant a substantial number of scholarships for students from the best Indonesian Universities with good Technical or Scientific majors in support of the ITB Professional Masters in Petroleum Engineering.

This program is considered as one of TOTAL E&P Indonesie’s commitment to develop human resources in their core business by giving a financial support to outstanding Indonesian students and also further developing the institutes of higher learning by encouraging international coorperation.

The scholarship candidates should:

  1. be in their 8th semeser or have already graduated in the previous semester ,in any engineering major or a relevant science discipline such as geology, physics, chemistry, or mathematics from reputable university.
  2. have good academic records with GPA min 3.00,
  3. english proficiency of 500 TOEFL or follow the TOEFL test arranged by ITB and obtain the passing mark of 500,
  4. pass the Academic Potency Test conducted by OTO BAPPENAS at ITB with a minimum score of 500.

Total E&P Indonesie will conduct the selection process together with ITB. The grantees will be entitled to have their tuition fees paid. The fee for the Professional Master PE has been fixed at Rp. 75.000.000, payable Rp. 25.000.000/semester.

A certain number of the successful Scholarship holders will be offered pre-employment agreements with TOTAL E&P Inonesie where in addition to the tuition fees, a comparative living allowance will be offered to cover lodging, books, and other expenses during the period of the course.

An obligation to work with TOTAL E&P Indonesie will be required for a period of 2n+1 in which n is the number of years of the pre-employment agreement between the scholarship holder and TOTAL E&P Indonesie.

Deadline: March 29th 2010 (For ITB applicant, others maybe not so different)

10 thoughts on “TOTAL E&P INDONESIE Scholarship for ITB Profesional Master in Petroleum Engineering – 2010

  1. Pingback: TOTAL E&P INDONESIE Scholarship for ITB Profesional Master in Petroleum Engineering – 2010 | Rudi Susanto

  2. Pingback: Chemical Engineering World: Can we still enjoy petroleum as we … | Petroleum Engineering Addict

  3. Punten,,

    mau tanya,,download formulir beasiswanya dimana??
    Dikirim kemana?? langsung ke kantor Total yang di jakartak atatu gimana??

    Trima kasih

    • Perkulihannya di Balikpapan atau gimana? Kalao dah S2, Material Engineering UI gimana boleh ikutan ngak? Kalo di balikpapan mau ikut nih.

      • perkuliahannya di Bandung,.di kampus itb,.tapi kalau kata temen saya yg ikutan program master ini, ada bebrapa mata kuliahnya yang mendatangkan dosen dari IFP nya,..mengenai itu sy kurang tahu detailnya apakah boleh mengambil s2 lg, setahu sy yg sedang berkuliah/mengikuti program itu kebnyakan blm menempuh s2,..hehe

    • setahu saya untuk program ITB-IFP master petroleum eng. pada tahun 2010 krmn merupakan gelombang terakhir,..dan setahu sy juga ada program baru/program lama yg dimulai kembali dr total untuk beasiswa s2 ke prancis, tp itupun pendaftarannya sudah berakhir bulan november kemarin,..CMIIW

  4. mas Cakzin dulu gimana daftarnya? Kalau taun lalu saya ikutan tapi cuma sampai interview gagal. Dulu saya ambil formulir di UI sekarang ga tau gimana. Pengen coba lagi 😀

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